Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lexi in Pink...and Purple

Oh the indignity...
It was a Halloween morning, 2 years ago, I think.  We thought it would be a good idea to bring Lexi Trick or Treating with us.  She could go as a "White wolf"...naaah, she's already got that nickname, wouldn't be unique for Halloween.  How about a Wolf in Sheep's clothing, put a few cotton balls around her collar and tape them to her feet....hah, those cotton balls wouldn't last 5 seconds before they'd find their way to her esophagus...then it hit great would it be if I sprayed her pink, so I went out to the Halloween store and bought a bottle of pink hair spray, but I couldn't just stop with pink, there was a bottle of purple right next to it and I knew Lexi being the Girlie Girl she is would love these two colors.  I brought them home, but Lexi wasn't too impressed, she kept fidgeting while I sprayed a line right down her back, but then I quickly realized that there wouldn't be enough to paint her entirely pink and purple, so I settled for a "punk" stripe.  I kept Lexi away from the mirrors, so she couldn't see herself, cause I think if she did, I would have been bit.  We went TT'ing and had a blast, Lexi was the talk of the street....Lexi had no idea what she looked like...good think she's the dog and I'm the owner!

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